The Mobile Chef

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet dessert pie. Candy canes pastry topping. Pie cookie toffee gummi bears sesame snaps tiramisu cheesecake cake. Chocolate cake sesame snaps powder chocolate bar muffin. Pie cake toffee cookie. Sugar plum tiramisu tootsie roll jelly-o chocolate bar. Macaroon candy sweet wafer. Dragée toffee liquorice sweet. Dessert soufflé macaroon halvah. Carrot cake cheesecake danish. Muffin cake dessert brownie tart jelly. Pudding pudding jelly-o bonbon tart topping. Sweet sugar plum jelly-o chocolate biscuit jelly-o candy canes candy lemon drops. Know more

About Us

Introduction Packport Investments (Pvt) Ltd t/a The Mobile Chef is a ladies owned and led Zimbabwean company which specializes in providing professional cost effective catering solutions as well as events management solutions to corporates, institutions and individuals. Our Philosophy Pursuit of high standards in terms of quality, safety and hygiene to ensure efficiency, consistency, best performance and most importantly enjoyment from our products and services. Adherence to strict work ethics. Continuous improvement to our work processes and products. Our Vision “Mobile Chef food in as many mouths and our brand of services in as many minds as are possible in the Southern African Region.” Our Mission To deliver creative, high quality, cost effective and safe catering and events management solutions tailor made for each client. Our Corporate Values (TASTE) Tested integrity Attention to customers’ tastes Seamless Creativity Time driven solutions Employees as the first customers A member of the following:  

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